Humor, Parody, Weirdness, etc.

Ask Dr. Science

Madeleine Begun Kane

Sally Breslin's "My Life"

Harvey Gardner's "Tantalizing Trivialities"

Bill Harper

Andy Havoc's Journal

Mike Huggins

Humorbook Publishing

Sheri Huttner


Bill Klein Online

Nuno Crispim's Quotations

The Starr Report

The World of Steve Wright

Write Funny


Common Errors in English

Delilahhh (aka Lori Williams)

Beverly Jackson

Jae World

Don Kelley

The Rhyme Zone

The Writer's Life

Why I Made a Web Site

Write Funny


Eclectic Spirituality

Ethical Oasis

USA Deep South

Woman of a Certain Age Page

General Enlightenment

Astrophysics for Dummies (I couldn't resist)

Duck Soup

Internet Movie Database

Movie Bloopers
Links to friends, acquaintances, wackos
and other sites of interest
Brought to you by Marilyn D. Davis